Necesita cambiar Bitcoin por otras monedas?

Intercambio instantáneo de monedas electrónicas

The focus of the NitroCrypt and AML / KYC service is the fight against illegal activities related to the sphere of circulation of virtual financial resources.

1. Basic concepts and provisions

1.1. Money laundering is the concealment or concealment of reality regarding the turnover of assets, the legality of their receipt, location, intended purpose and other violations in the process of fraudulent manipulations. The definition includes concepts that include: financing of terrorist organizations, distribution of narcotic drugs and various types of weapons, corruption, human trafficking, etc.

1.2. AML verification is an effective way to counter money laundering. The procedure is aimed at combating fraud in the financial sector and countering the investment of terrorist groups on a global scale.

1.3. Website specialists are working to optimize the functionality to combat illegal activities and apply the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the safe implementation of digital currency exchange transactions.

1.4. The service can be used by individuals and legal entities after preliminary identification and multi-level verification.

1.5. The Website undertakes to execute exchange transactions and successfully cooperate with clients who have an impeccable reputation in business relations, as well as with users who own legitimate digital assets.

2. What is needed to pass user identification?

2.1. In order to prevent any type of fraud, the party providing services for the circulation of virtual money units requires the identification procedure for everyone who uses the site"s offers.

2.2. Current website users must submit the following information:

  1. A photo image of an expanded civil and / or foreign passport.
  2. Photo of driver"s license.
  3. A photo of a paid utility bill or a bank statement. The paper or electronic version of the documents must have a date of issue no later than the last 6 months.
  4. Snapshot of a credit card.
  5. A photo image of a printed or completed written declaration. The document is required if the user conducts transactions with large financial assets.

2.3. Additionally, a photo of the user holding the ID and credit card is requested.

2.4. For recognition, only high-quality and well-read documents, as well as their copies, are accepted. Fuzzy pictures with blurry text will not verify the identity and will create additional problems for the user.

2.5. The information must be reliable. It is strictly forbidden to submit altered and deliberately distorted information.

2.6. If inaccuracies are found, the transaction request is rejected by the administration, and then appropriate measures are taken in relation to the identity of the user with inaccurate information.

2.7. If the failures are minor, the system will ask you to repeat the identification procedure. The user will be required to resubmit the listed documentation in order to gain access to the functionality of the website.

2.8. The administration is sympathetic to users who accidentally made mistakes or were inattentive while reading the rules and conditions of cooperation, as well as when filling out the registration fields.

2.9. You can report a problem and find a way to quickly resolve it by sending an email to the support service at the address indicated on the site page.

2.10. Persons who break the law in the financial sphere and are involved in money laundering should be wary of conducting active actions on the website platform. This is fraught with a quick response of the security system.

3. Principles and conditions for AML verification

3.1. AML check is a procedure that includes a set of preventive measures.

3.2. To recognize and identify a person, users use documents that have been issued by the legislative authorities of the respective state.

3.3. The website administration uses information received from reliable and trustworthy sources.

3.4. The documentation listed in the previous chapter is difficult to falsify and edit to deceive and mislead the site administration.

3.5. Information that allows you to recognize a person: signature; number row with a certain sequence of numbers; photo illustrations of documents; printing, etc.

3.6. It should be remembered that information about credit card holders is stored in the databases of tax organizations in the public domain, which helps at the stages of user recognition and identification.

3.7. A multi-stage verification of the user by the website staff allows you to find his details (if any) in the sub-sanction lists of the European Union, the UN and other organizations. Sanctions are constantly imposed on individuals and legal entities for carrying out various transactions with various violations in the sphere of turnover of financial assets.

3.7.1. The website categorically rejects cooperation with business owners included in the sanctions lists.

3.8. The site administration is interested in working with responsible and law-abiding persons.

3.9. In case of providing false or partial information, the user will not be able to complete transactions with the turnover of valuable assets.

3.10. Hiding updated data and not wanting to correct the changed information is considered a violation of the rules and non-compliance with the conditions. Such actions are punished by stopping financial transactions and blocking the account.

3.11. Identification of signs of fraudulent activity and suspicions of illegal actions in the circulation of funds leads to the termination of cooperation. The administration of the NitroCrypt website applies to law enforcement authorities upon detection of violations. Criminals of the law receive deserved and appropriate punishment.

4. Procedure for cooperation and principles for identifying violators

4.1. The NitroCrypt website is not limited to one-time user checks.

4.2. All transactions are monitored around the clock to detect any possible violations. The system draws attention to all non-standard operations.

4.3. If hidden threats are detected, the system stops the transaction at any stage and checks it in accordance with the regulations of the international organization FATF.

4.4. Information about completed transactions with digital currency on the site is stored in a special database. Access to the archive can be obtained after the presentation of official requests from law enforcement authorities or through a court decision.

4.5. The administration has the right to conduct an extended check within the framework of international recommendations at any time. The procedure allows you to assess the risks and analyze the activities of the user who has raised suspicions.

4.5.1. Detection of danger gives the administration the right to stop transactions, block the client, freeze his valuable assets.

4.6. The website does not cooperate with persons related to terrorist groups and money laundering, and does not interact with clients who have been convicted of economic crimes.

4.7. Users are required to report the source of receipt of the currency.

4.7.1. In case of illegal extraction of finance, cooperation with the client is terminated.

4.7.2. Refusal to provide a source of income may indicate the client"s illegal operations in the extraction of assets and subject him to appropriate measures. This is fraught with blocking of bank accounts and seizure of property.

4.8. When trying to impersonate another person, the offender"s account is blocked and deleted by the site administration.

4.9. If suspicions of violations are identified and evidence of fraudulent activity is found, the site employees transfer information to the competent authorities.

4.9.1. Site employees indicate the name of the violator, e-mail address and other available information and contacts.

4.10. Carrying out fraudulent actions on the site may result in a court decision.

4.11. To increase the level of security, website specialists regularly update the functionality of the system.

4.12. Law-abiding users can count on the provision of quality services for the implementation of transactions with digital assets.

4.13. The site administration is constantly improving the methods of combating money laundering and using effective methods to counter fraudulent transactions.

5. NitroCrypt"s contribution to the fight against crime

5.1. Comprehensive verification allows you to get a large amount of information.

5.2. It simplifies the work of the presence of international databases, where malefactors and criminals of the financial sector are collected and listed. The reports of organizations and international lists of sanctions make a great contribution.

5.3. An appropriate user verification method is selected, and then specific documentation is requested to allow the necessary verifications to be carried out.

5.4. The administration of the NitroCrypt website retains the right to demand additional information from the user.

5.5. All completed transactions are carefully analyzed to identify possible fraudulent manipulations.

5.6. Before checking accounts, users are notified of the detection of violations of local laws or international rules.

5.7. Each specific case is individual. The specifics of the situation determine the duration of the procedure and the appropriate penalties.

5.8. Minor deficiencies are corrected by updating information.

5.9. If the client refuses to comply with the requirements of the administration, then his account is blocked without the possibility of recovery. Fraudulent manipulation can lead to legal proceedings and then to imprisonment.

6. Obligations of NitroCrypt Users

6.1. Before cooperating with the site, the user agrees to the terms of this document and undertakes to comply with them.

6.2. By accepting services on this platform, the client declares that he is not a PEP figure (political figure, high-ranking official). He does not have such persons in his inner circle (relatives of the first and second lines who influence the political processes). The conditions are mandatory.

6.3. By accepting the rules of the policy on this platform, the client declares that he is the real owner of the funds or the beneficiary.

6.4. Operations are carried out exclusively on their own behalf and by the user.

6.5. The client does not intend to represent the interests of third parties.

6.6. In case of suspicious actions or a change in circumstances, the user undertakes to send a written notification to the site administration to the e-mail address indicated on the main page.

6.7. The user accepting the services of the site promises to use the platform only for lawful purposes, not related to fraud in cyberspace, illegal activities with real estate, distribution of drugs, ammunition, weapons and other illegal activities. The Client does not conduct financial transactions aimed at supporting terrorist organizations, radical religious groups, smugglers, hacker communities and other anti-social elements.

6.8. The client confirms that he does not shoot prohibited films, does not distribute obscene video materials that demonstrate and call for violence, war, offend people on racial grounds, serve to incite hatred among various social groups and religious organizations.

6.9. The site administration recommends that users review and study the provisions of the current legislation of the country in which they are located before starting cooperation.